Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do sportsmen or sports ladies need body building supplemnts

Here is the latest opinion regarding body building supplements.
When you are looking for top advice about body building supplements, it will be easier said than done separating value-packed advice from ill-advised body building supplements submissions and help so it's prudent to know ways of moderating the information offered to you.

Fitness First USA
Offers brand-name supplements at low prices. Shop for bodybuilding and weight loss supplements, testosterone gels, HGH, and vitamins.

Here are several guidelines that we think you should use when you are searching for information about body building supplements. You need to realize any recommendation we present to you is only relevant to internet information about body building supplements. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any guidance or tips for conducting research offline.

Summit Supplements - ABB American Body Building Products
Bodybuilding supplement store sells ABB Pure Pro, Carbo Force, Ripped Force, Adrenalin Stack, Lean Protein, Mass Recovery, and Extreme XXL.

An excellent tip to follow when you're presented with help or advice about a body building supplements web site is to verify the ownership of the website. This may show you who owns the site body building supplements identifications The fastest way to determine who owns the body building supplements site is to find the 'about' page.

Any worthwhile website providing information on body building supplements, will always have contact information which will record the site owner's contact details. The details should let you know some key points concerning the owner's requisite knowledge. This enables you to make an assessment about the webmaster's training and understanding, to offer guidance about body building supplements.

Dieting and Exercising - Results all the time!

To be successful in keeping to an exercise program, you going to have to define results. Results for most mean weight on a scale, a dress size, the number of pounds on a bench press, and your waist size. I challenge you to think in abstracts. Results, all the time? Yes! It just may not come in the form you are looking for on the surface. You can break the type of results into three categories: emotional, internal and external.


I believe more important than waistline measurements, personal bench press records or reading whatever the scale says, is what exercise does for you emotionally. For me, it was self-confidence and self- esteem. I will do this for life because I do not want to go back to the person I once was. For you, it may be a feeling of being productive. Or because you are doing something for you and no one else.


Internal results come in the form of vital signs, such as lower blood pressure, and a decrease in body fats, cholesterols and triglycerides. Of course, these are important, but do not look just at the typical attributes.


These are results you are accustomed to achieving. It is something we can see or touch. Pants are fitting loser, arms are looking toned, and numbers on the scales are going down. At times it is a lot easier to get motivated by those things we can see, rather than all that is going on inside. Personally, I have seen more people stick with a program if they focus on the emotional and internal results, more than the external. The outside results may motivate you in the beginning, but it is the INSIDE OUT approach that keeps you going.

About the Author

Greg Ryan is a high profile fitness expert and former employee of Kathy Smiths. Body building champion, public speaker and personal trainer to the stars. He is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT through real behavior change, smart eating and effective exercising. Start getting in better shape today! For FREE MINI COURES click here www.resolutions.bz

Components Of A Golf Exercise Program

Golf exercise program - with the exploding number of so-called golf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It's easy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that will hardly have the desired objective of improving their game.

In fact the wrong golf exercise program can end up making a golfer’s game deteriorate rather than improve.

It is therefore very useful to know what constitutes a complete golf exercise program

A complete golf exercise program will tend to have the following attributes;

A) Golf specific stretch exercises Stretch exercises are a very important part of any genuine golf workout program. Stretches help improve the golf swing and correct many common mistakes and weaknesses in this area. They sometime help alleviate or even eliminate nagging back problems in some golfers. Many stretch exercises can be done in the comfort of the office or home.

B) Golf specific strength training Strength training is also a key area in any good golf workout program. Strength training usually has a dramatic effect on the quality of the game of any golfer. Dumbbells are usually used and the program for building strength for golf is usually very different from a body building program because the idea here is not to build muscles.

C) Should be able to focus on certain common player weaknesses A good golf exercise program should also be able to focus on certain common weaknesses amongst most amateur golfers with the aim of helping to improve and deal with those weaknesses. This at times may involve the use of certain golf aid equipment. However it should be very clear what particular aspects of the game are being developed by what golfing aids.

A complete golf exercise program should help any golfer improve their game dramatically and feel much more confident every time they set foot on the course.

Body Fat Calculation and Health

The higher your percentage of fat above average levels, the higher your health risk for weight-related illness, like heart disease, high blood pressure, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain cancers. Also, the higher your percentage of fat (and the smaller your percentage of muscle) the less calories you need to maintain your weight and therefore the easier it is to gain weight. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat tissue.

Body Fat Percentages and Lean Muscle Mass

When in ideal shape, body fat will make up about 15% - 18% of a male's body
weight and 18% - 22% of a female's. The remainder of the body's “lean weight”
is composed of water (55%-60%), muscle and other lean tissue (10%-20%), and
bone and minerals (6%-8%). In other words, a 150-pound woman who is within or
close to her ideal body fat composition range at 22% will have approximately
33 pounds of fat, 86 pounds of weight composed primarily of water, 20 pounds
of muscle and other lean tissue, and 11 pounds of bone and mineral weight.
This total then makes up her total weight of 150 lbs.

Now take the example of another woman who weights 150 pounds, but has 30%
fat on her body. She would have 45 pounds of fat on her body, and the rest of
her weight would be divided among muscle, bone and water. Her non fat body
composition might look like this, 79 pounds of water (53%), 17 pounds of
muscle (12%), and 9 pounds of bone and minerals (6%). Both women weight 150
lbs. and are about the same height, but one looks much different because she
has less body fat.

Body Building Supplementation

The term “body building supplement” is familiar to almost everyone nowadays. Body building supplement is a supplement that is designed to help people who use it to achieve several things that include but are not limited to weight gain, muscle building, and strength training. There are many other reasons for using body building supplement products but these three are probably the most popular.

Body Building Supplement – variety.

Currently there is a wide range of body building supplement products in the US market. Most of the time, you will probably have a real tough time figuring out what body building supplement does what, and what supplements you should take. There will probably be a lot of confusion when you are looking for the right supplement for your needs. Consult with you trainer and with your doctor. They can make it easier for you to make a selection and purchasing decision dealing with body building supplements.

Body Building Supplement – examples.

Since there are so many body building supplement products available to public, for almost every need in bodybuilding, there's a supplement that answers that need. The choice of supplement depends a lot on what are the goals of your body building program. For example, if your goal is gaining weight, many athletes say that creatine is essential.

But since there is no scientific proof of the benefits of creatine or many other supplements, be careful and don’t simply trust that the claims on the label of the product. Spend some time researching about the product, consult with professionals. The body building supplement that you will use should both bring the positive body building results and be safe. If you are using several body building supplements, make sure that they can be used together without any danger to your health.

Body Building Supplement

The term “body building supplement” is familiar to almost everyone nowadays. Body building supplement is a supplement that is designed to help people who use it to achieve several things that include but are not limited to weight gain, muscle building, and strength training. There are many other reasons for using body building supplement products but these three are probably the most popular.

Body Building Supplement – variety.

Currently there is a wide range of body building supplement products in the US market. Most of the time, you will probably have a real tough time figuring out what body building supplement does what, and what supplements you should take. There will probably be a lot of confusion when you are looking for the right supplement for your needs. Consult with you trainer and with your doctor. They can make it easier for you to make a selection and purchasing decision dealing with body building supplements.

Body Building Supplement – examples.

Since there are so many body building supplement products available to public, for almost every need in bodybuilding, there's a supplement that answers that need. The choice of supplement depends a lot on what are the goals of your body building program. For example, if your goal is gaining weight, many athletes say that creatine is essential.

But since there is no scientific proof of the benefits of creatine or many other supplements, be careful and don’t simply trust that the claims on the label of the product. Spend some time researching abut the product, consult with professionals. The body building supplement that you will use should both bring the positive body building results and be safe. If you are using several body building supplements, make sure that they can be used together without any danger to your health.

Body Building for beginners

Body building or even just showing up at a gym can be intimidating for a beginner. Provided below are some tips that can help you get into body building, and into your first fitness club:

# Seek Advice - There is no sense trying to learn it everything yourself when starting out in Body Building. Take some time to talk to others who are more experienced, and learn what you can from them. When using new equipment or a new exercise it is also always a good idea to talk to someone, to ensure that you don’t get injured.
# Sleep - When working out for the first time it is important to ensure that your body is getting the rest that it needs. This will usually be more than what you were taking before!
# Diet - Just as important as sleep it’s important to ensure that your diet is keeping up with your exercise. This doesn’t just mean eating more, it means eating better. Think of your body as an automobile. The more you drive a car, the more fuel you need to put into it. You need to ensure that you are putting the proper fuel in your car as well, to ensure that it will drive consistently and perform to spec.
# Set Goals - Set goals that are attainable. Out of reach goals only set yourself up for failure. Take it one step at a time, and enjoy/celebrate your success all the way up the ladder. Whether it’s another 10pounds to your bench press or just making it to the gym 3 days a week, you need to set goals, otherwise it’s easy for your workout to get pushed aside when life gets busy.
# Visualize Success - It’s important to see yourself succeeding before you even begin working out. This winning mind set will take you to new levels in your training and will set yourself up for success!

Be smart about getting into body building to ensure that you will achieve success both mentally and physically.

Body Building Equipment for the Rest of Us

Large, bulging muscles like those found on the models of body building magazine covers are often what people associate with strength training. Of course, building muscles is part of this type of training program. There are other benefits that even women who don’t want to “bulk up” can appreciate. Stronger muscles can reduce your risk of injury to your back and other parts of your body. Since your metabolism increases when you strength train, you can also maintain a healthy weight. Body building that results in large muscles typically involves long, strenuous workouts. To experience the results just mentioned, you would just need to perform body building exercises for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. What makes the difference in results you experience with strength training exercises is the body building equipment you use.

If you are interested in a moderate workout, you can simply add ankle or wrist weights to your existing low-impact workout. Adding a few extra pounds forces your heart and muscles to work harder. Weight vests are also an option if you are interested in defining your upper body. The key to success with this body building equipment is to make sure you don’t put too much stress on your muscles, which can cause serious injury. Since these types of weights are easily adjustable, you can try out varying weight amounts to find the amount that will give you the best results without undue stress and strain.

A common body building regimen for professional bodybuilders is to focus on one set of muscles each workout. You can choose any order you wish. Since you can work your abdominal muscles on a daily basis, body building equipment that includes a platform for performing abdominal exercises is a good choice. Smith machines is equipment that features stations for performing different exercises. These machines generally feature a bench that you can use to perform bench presses as well as crunches or sit-ups. These machines can cost upwards of $500, but low-end Smith machines such as the Body Solid Powerline that costs less than $500 are perfect for a basic body building program.

For “spot” workouts, bodybuilding exercises that focus on one muscle group, there are numerous types of body building equipment available on the market. Within this market there are numerous kinds of body building equipment for light-to-moderate body building exercises. A good starter piece of equipment that you can purchase anywhere is a chin-up bar. This equipment costs as little as $10 and fits in any doorway of your home. Push ups are perfect for any type of exercise program. Although you can perform pushups without special equipment, purchasing a pair of pushup stands can provide extra support for your wrists. This equipment is also great for traveling. Dip stands may not fit in your suitcase, but you can easily slide them in a corner of a room when they are not in use. Dip stands are used to perform exercises that work the arms and abdominals. If you’re creative you can easily design other upper and lower-body exercises. The equipment listed here is only a percentage of what is available on the market. You can find more detailed information about body building equipment at body-building-equipment.com.

Beauty Comes From Within

Since real beauty comes from within, it's important that your beauty products bring out your best natural qualities. Natural beauty product reviews can help you choose which products are best suited to your own individual needs.

One popular type of natural beauty product is stretch mark removal cream. Since stretch marks are pretty common--their causes range from pregnancy to body building--a lot of people can be helped by a natural, effective treatment for them. While reading natural beauty product reviews, I noticed that the best stretch mark remedies contain high amounts of Emu Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Collagen, Elastin and Vitamin E. When these key ingredients are combined in a highly concentrated cream, they can not only help reduce stretch marks you already have, but actually help prevent new ones from forming!

One of the most helpful things about natural beauty product reviews is that they tell you about the ingredients in the best beauty products out there. Whenever you're looking for skin treatments--whether it's cellulite cream, spider vein therapy, sunless tanning or stretch mark removal--you want to make sure that the ingredients are safe and actually make your skin look better, not worse. What's the point of diminishing stretch marks if the skin around them becomes red and irritated? Natural beauty products tend to be safer, because they don't include a lot of harsh chemicals in their ingredients.

If you're fair skinned like I am, you know how hard it can be to enjoy the great outdoors. There's nothing unusual about stretch marks or cellulite or spider veins. They are the natural effects of having bodies that grow and change. Using natural, high quality products to safely improve your skin's appearance can help you feel less self-conscious at the beach or in the bedroom.

Atkins Diet -- The Final Verdict

Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis.

The Low Carb-Ketosis Link

By severely limiting carbohydrates in your diet, the main energy source used by your body, glucose, drops to low levels. In return, insulin levels also drop. With low glucose and low insulin levels, the body turns to alternative sources of energy.

Because of a significant change in your body's chemistry when on the Atkins Diet, certain metabolic pathways are turned "on" that are normally not "on" or run at very low levels. One such pathway involves the breakdown of fat, called Beta-Oxidation of Fats.

Now, normally fats are broken down to produce energy when your body senses a need. But in the context of a low Carb diet, the normal breakdown pathway of fats is altered and an alternative pathway kicks in. This alternative pathway produces what are called ketone bodies.

Ketosis is the term used to describe when ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream. The ketone bodies can be used as alternative sources of energy by, most importantly, your brain.

In case you might be curious, the three ketone bodies produced by this alternative pathway for breaking down fat are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. These ketone bodies are formed in your liver and then are transported to other tissues, mainly the brain. In your brain, they are converted back to a form that can provide direct energy during times of starvation.

Are You Too Old to Pump Iron?

Are you too old for weight lifting? Will weight lifting help
you stay and look younger? The answer to the first question is
no and to the second is a resounding yes. Weight lifting will
help both men and women stay fit and supple and might even help
you look younger. And, no matter what your age, you’re not too
old to start.

Dr.Walter Bortz, in The Journal of the American Medical
Association, 1982, stated that a number of the physical
changes we undergo as we age, such as loss of muscle tone,
organ deterioration, and osteoporosis are “indistinguishable
whether caused by age or inactivity.” He believed that exercise
could delay many of the diseases associated with aging, adding
“at least a portion of the changes commonly attributed to aging
are in reality caused by disuse and, as such, subject to

As we age, we lose bone density and muscle mass. We get stiff
and our joints creak. Instead of using our body, we “rest” it
even more, starting a very dangerous downward spiral. The
synovial fluid dries up, the tendons become brittle, the sinews
grow weak. It hurts to move, so we don’t.

More recently Dr Henry Lodge and Chris Cowley published a new
book on this theme, "Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like
50 Until You're 80 and Beyond". The premise of this book is that
weight lifting will help reverse the loss of both bone density
and muscle mass that begins to take place as we get older. And
they’re not talking about light weights, but rather big heavy

Are You Too Old For Golf Fitness Workouts

Many a senior golfer would not resist the temptation to skip golf fitness workouts, using their age as an excuse. And at first glance age would seem to be a genuine excuse to avoid golf fitness workouts.

After all golf fitness workouts, as most people seem to believe, are supposed to be very strenuous programs where even dumb bells are used.

So how do you tell that you are too old for golf fitness workouts?

The answer to that question is really simple. If you are too old to play golf then you are probably too old for golf fitness workouts.

I regularly work with 80 year old golfers who comfortably go through golf fitness workouts, dumb bells and all. It is also probably appropriate to add here at this juncture that I also regularly work with youngsters barely in their teens.

Both groups of persons are able to dramatically improve on their game with the help of golf fitness workouts.

Golf fitness workouts are not any more rigorous and punishing than the game of golf is. Remember that the work outs are golf specific, meaning that they are specifically designed to help strengthen and condition the very muscles used in golf.

It is definitely not a boxing or body building fitness workout. Workouts for those sports reflect the rigorous and physically demanding aspects of those sports. In the very same way that golf fitness workouts reflect the requirements of the game of golf.

The dumbbells are usually used for strength training because this is the most efficient equipment anywhere for building strength quickly hence their inclusion in the best golf fitness workout routines.

The idea is never to lift heavy weights over long periods of time. Rather the objective to condition and strengthen golf muscles using lighter weights lifted over very short periods of time.

If you are not too old or too young for golf, golf fitness workouts are for you.

Anywhere and Anytime Exercises

Here are few Anytime and Anywhere Exercises:-

a) Crunch

Lie down on the floor on your back with your feet up on the couch or something. Give support to your neck with the help of cushion. Place your buttocks as near as possible to the couch. Lock your elbows. Now slowly raise your head off the ground just a few inches. Hold on to the raised position for 2 secs and then slowly come down.

Repeat this exercise 20 times to make one set.It will really build your abs and you will feel it.

b) Raising your Toes and then coming down.

Stand on a floor flatfooted with toes pointing straight.Hold onto something to balance yourself. Now VERY SLOWLY, raise your toes as high as possible. Hold on for 2 secs and come down very gently and slowly. Repeat it 20 times to make one set.

c) Push ups

Lie down on the floor facing towards the floor with your body weight on your palms.Now slowly , push your body up keeping your back straight and facing right ahead. Hold onto 2 secs and then slowly bring your body back to the starting position.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

d) Wall Squat

Stand straight with your back against the wall. Now, gently move your body down to the sitting position. Make sure your back is still against the wall.Hold on to 15 secs and then gently move up keeping your back against the wall again.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

Treadmill is one other important option which works for you 24/7 and 12 months a year even in rains, winter, snow, sun. Know more about treadmills and how to make optimum use of it here before buying it.

Advantages Of A Gym Exercise Equipment

Now is a good season for the health conscious to check up on the latest in gym exercise equipment. A wide variety of gym exercise equipment is available in the market each designed to tone the specific part of the body. So for that lasting impression as you stride down the beach and flaunt it, here are some of the important aspects in choosing the right gym exercise equipment for you.

Know your body: whether you want to sport the firm and fit type or something as insanely huge as the Hulk, gamma radiation included, everyone has their own preference. For a first-timer, choosing the right gym exercise equipment can be attained in two ways: purchasing it from a sports store or to sign up in one of hundreds of gym establishments in the city.

One advantage in using the gym exercise equipment in a gym is the selection of commercial models that will help you get in shape, if not faster then better. Commercial gym exercise equipment are a little more complicated to use, often with digital readouts and other computerized systems attached, but the outcome after using the machine does show fantastic results after a few weeks. In addition to commercial gym exercise equipment, trainers are available to help you draw up a program to achieve that attention-grabbing body you always wanted. Be it in a posh place like Gold's Gym, or a neighborhood one that offers fifty bucks per session, these establishments hold the upper hand when it comes to quality gym exercise equipment.

Home gym exercise equipment is something a little more easy to use and compact enough that you can stow it away in your closet after two hours of working out. Convenience is all about the home gym exercise equipment, especially if they are the shy type who could not stand to flaunt themselves in public, even in a gym. They can be as attractive to look at like their commercial counterparts, but with a price tag that is a bit easy on the pocket. They require little effort when adjusting the setting to get out its maximum exercise performance.

A first-timer can acquire and use the home exercise equipment without too much flub. But as he or she gains experience, and not to mention a greater body, they go for more body specific machines that will bring out the best in (and out of) them. All they have to do is to draw a layout of his or her personalized body building program from books and go from there.

Know your self, as well as your body. Whether you purchased it in a store, or holding a gleaming member's card, gym exercise equipment is the next best thing since the home-made dumbbells and barbells out of cement on a pair of large milk cans and a metal water pipe.

1st Thing You Need To Change in Starting Up a home biz

Home business is a great opportunity to get your own freedom. If you are like me who doesn't like to work with others, who values more freedom than job security, then you are in need of doing your own business. Personally I hate waking up early in the morning just because I have to go to the office and get caught in traffic jam and wasting
my valuable time in the road.

Like Robert Kiyosaki says "Mind Your Own Business". So the first thing you need to change is your MINDSET. If you never have your own business before and you always work with others then you need to change your employee mindset into a business owner mindset.

It's not easy to start your own business. You need to start it with the right attitude. The attitude will define your success in future. You must understand that building a business is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It takes time before you will get the fruits of the business. Every successful business owners start their business from nothing with struggles and perseverance.
Its pretty similar with body building, you need to spend enough time and effort before you start seeing your muscle increasing in mass.

Try to ask yourself, Am I a risk taker? it means willingness to learn and try again if failing, 100% business owners will succeed just because they have "Never Quit" attitude.
Do I have time and money to be invested into my business?
Most people who quit doing their home based business is just because they don't treat it like other business. You must realise that ALL business needs TIME & MONEY to be invested. You need to make an INVESTMENT. Fortunately with the internet, home business owner can leverage their time and money.

With the right mindset you will run your business with the right attitude. Then followed with the right path to take in form of a series of proven actions (like my website theme - PathToSuccessOnline.biz) will give you success in a short time!

About the Author

Heri Rosyadi publishes Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you`re looking for the *best rated* home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: http://www.pathtosuccessonline.biz